Posts in Philosophy

The Teachings of Jesus Alongside Stoic Philosophy

The teachings of Jesus alongside Stoic Philosophy

Introduction: The Bridge Between Worlds In the quest to understand the intersection of Stoic philosophy and the teachings of Jesus, it is essential to first[…]

Philosophy vs. Therapy

Solomon’s Existential Crisis: How Ecclesiastes Solved Modern Nihilism 3000 Years Early

"In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon confronts humanity's search for meaning three millennia before modern existentialism, offering timeless wisdom for navigating life's apparent meaninglessness through an honest[…]

'Nietzsche's Guide

Nietzsche’s Guide to Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World: Creating Purpose in the Void

"What if I told you that the meaninglessness of life is actually your greatest gift? Think of it like a blank canvas. Most people see[…]